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Responsibilities of the Flag State…
At the end of March 2004, more than four years after the disaster,
the French judge Dominique de Talancé has closed the "ERIKA" file
accusing 19 different entities! It's a record: she combed very wide and the
list is long, starting with the Ship's Captain to the Coastal state, including
the ship owner, classification society etc.
In this she is completely right as the case of the "ERIKA" and that of the
"PRESTIGE" shows that the whole maritime transport chain is implicated
in these two catastrophes. Of course with different degrees of responsibility,
however all 19 accused entities have for the moment been cited as having
comparatively the same level of culpability: it will be for the courts to
define who is at fault and who is to be exonerated.
In this there is a great improvement with respect to past practices.
Some will remember the dramatic disaster in March 1980 of the old
Malagasy tanker "Tanio" loaded with 20,000 tons of the same Heavy Fuel
n°2, who broke in two and sunk in stormy weather off the French coast in
the English Channel . It was a very similar case, except that eight sailors
lost their lives in that catastrophe. That affair was not judged in the same
manner, was it because there were a lot of French interests at stake?
But coming back to the "ERIKA", without wanting to pre-judge what the
courts will decide. In all these maritime dramas the sailors as well as the
coastal populations, the fauna and flora, pay heavily when the "misfortunes
of the sea" degenerate into an ecological catastrophe.
In these cases there
exists a highly responsible entity who regularly escapes all forms of
sanction and who should normally be in the front line to receive the heaviest
penalties: that entity is the flag state.
It is that flag state that registers the vessel so it has to have resources and
sufficient personnel with maritime expertise to impose and control the
maritime legislation on its ship. It is this same flag state therefore that
should see that the conventions, international rules and standards are
respected onboard all vessels registered under its flag in accordance with
requirements. It is that flag state that should ensure the seaworthiness of
each of these vessels, fit for service for which she is intended, renewing the
certificates as well as the navigation certificate and safe manning certificate
during the regular inspections and surveys performed by qualified
inspectors and competent surveyors with a good level of experience. That's
the job of a responsible administration from the point of view of Safety and
Protection of the Maritime Environment.
But alas this is not always the case for small countries that
often have no maritime traditions and even less a strong and accountable
maritime administration behind to support their fleet and preserve maritime
safety and impose the relevant legislation! These micro-countries delegate
their authority to a Recognized Organisation (R.O), generally a
Classification Society, that can in certain cases be the same one that is in
contact with the ship owner for the classification of his vessel.
Too many unscrupulous ship owners, those who tarnish the image of
Shipping, are looking for these flags without states (without a genuine link)
to make their most profitable business in a tax fee Paradise, which will
transform into Hell for the Sailors.
Following on this there is a classification evaluating the
performance of the flag states according to their seriousness. They are
classed according to numerous criteria taking into account their
compliance with basic international conventions ( Marpol, Solas,
STCW, Load Line, OIT, FIPOL), whether they are on the black or the
white lists of the Paris or Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) and US Coast Guard , depending also of deficiencies and
detention rates, and whether or not they have good relations with the
International Maritime Organisation.
Not forgetting also their relations with the Classification Societies,
are they members of the International Association of Classification
Societies (IACS) ?
The number of old vessels flying their flags also plays a part for their
respectability classification including annual loss statistics. We notice
however that the greater number of registrations, not the lesser, pose
serious problems, such as Panama and other banana republics, not
forgetting Malta who joined the European Community on the 1st May
and has still not ratified the Marpol convention! Astounding for the
5th fleet in the world!….
Hopefully a clause insists that it ratify the principal international
conventions as quickly as possible.
Imagine a vessel identified in a doubtful register, in the framework of
all the previously mentioned situations, who has a record a long way from
being clean, having had an important number of major and minor
deficiencies found during port state controls (PSC) leading to days of
detention abroad during the last years. In fact a heavy past record which
comes to light following a maritime disaster of great importance, shipwreck
of the vessel , loss of human lives and large-scale coastal pollution!
Is it not possible in this type of case that the Coastal State, victim of this oil
spill, as well as the families of the missing sailors could lodge a complaint
before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) ?
This court exists with its head office in Hamburg. It's an independent
and competent judicial body to deal with disputes arising out of the
interpretation an application of the United Nations Convention for the Law
Of the Sea ( UNCLOS - Montego Bay 1982). It was established by a United
Nations convention and is called "Settling of Disagreements". Inaugurated
in 1996 it is composed of 21 members.
This court is for the Law of the Sea, the equivalent of the International
Court of Justice of Den Hague (Netherlands).
Its competence extends to the protection of marine environment. A nation
who does not respect its obligations could be brought before this court. All
nations have rights to the Main Sea, referring to that famous Freedom of
the Seas that has governed maritime shipping for a long time.
Notwithstanding a nation also has its own obligations, made clear since
1982 during the elaboration of the Montego Bay convention on the Law of
the Sea. It is on this precise point that the intervention of the ITLOS can be
effective in the fight against non respectable flags: harassing them
constantly by lodging complaints before this international court at each
breach of a vessel flying their flag.
Consulted about a possible complaint by the coastal state against the
flag state, following an oil-spill caused by a substandard ship, the answer of
a judge of this court was clear: "…It is a very significant and difficult
question. The ITLOS could know of any dispute between the flag state and
the coastal state on this subject for insufficient control by the flag state of
the polluting ship. It never was it and ,moreover, I do not know a case in
which one sought to blame the flag state. It is a pity, because all the
question of the responsibility for the flag state remains to be defined in
international law. It is the one question of will of the sovereign states. It
would be enough that France , for example, lodges a complaint against the
Bahamas in connection with the Prestige affair in front of the ITLOS or an
arbitration court to finally pose the problem in front of an international
court. I believe that it would be an interesting contribution to the evolution
of the international law on the matter. But I note the reserve of the states to
enter this way…"
There is a good chance that constantly being pointed at and wearied
by multiple convictions the incriminated state would "cleanup" its fleet by
upwardly reviewing the standards to which it must be subjected and
equipping itself with a competent maritime administration better able to
control its vessels. Only presentable flag registrations would survive this
necessary cleanup.
There are still too many countries on the Black and Grey Lists of the Paris
and Tokyo MoU. These countries should either cease to practice maritime
transport because of the menace they represent for the sailors and the
environment or they should make the necessary efforts to get on to the
White List grouping the presentable registrations.
Why, at each blatant crime of voluntary illegal oil discharge off its
coast, would not a country, as a sovereign coastal state , lodge a complaint
before that jurisdiction against the incriminated vessel's flag state ? No
doubt, that the complaint would be admissible and that the consequent
conviction would carry a fine in keeping with the committed fault, would
have effective repercussions in the hunt for the polluters. Above all if there
is an obligation for the flag state to restore the environment following any
pollution incident.
For the same reasons the flag state has to be responsible of the acts of the
ship owner . Especially in the dramatic case of seafarers left behind by their
ship owner who disappears when the ship is seized in port. The flag state
has many duties, it is normally the one and only link to which should be
able to be attached with hope the seamen for payment of their unpaid wages
and the expenses of repatriation towards their respective countries. Alas the
truth is very different, disturbing, the flag state is always without any
reaction in this particular cases and doesn't seem concern at all by this
humanitarian problem.
Recently in Argentina, the International Transport Workers'
Federation (ITF) has carried out a study about this problem: it showed that
during last 10 years, 8 ships were seized and derelict by their ship owners
in Argentine ports, 6 of these "ships of shame"(S.O.S) were flying the
Panama flag ! These bad behaviours deserved an action of the port state
(Argentine) against the flag state (Panama) before the international court of
These new actions will give work to the ITLOS whom, it must be said,
is all but dormant, treating only fishing disputes between states.
There is not any alternative that to bring such cases of maritime
offences before the ITLOS because a sovereign state is not allowed to bring
charges before its own jurisdiction against another sovereign state for acts
holding with the exercise of its sovereignty.
The French magistrate , Dominique de Talancé, in charge of the Erika
affair, is well placed to know this principle of jurisdiction immunity based
on an "international courtesy" having to chair the relations of good vicinity
between sovereign states!
Bad news on the 16th of June 2004, she failed in her attempt to lodge a
complaint before the French jurisdiction against Maltese Maritime
Authority for negligence in its inspections of the tanker Erika endangering
seaman's life and complicity of pollution. Unfortunately, well defended by
French clever lawyers, the MMA found the flaw in the first judgement
before the Appeal Court in Paris . They succeed to demonstrate that MMA
is a public authority, emanation of the Republic of Malta !
Can one speak about courtesy in the sinking of the Erika ?.. We hope that
Mrs de Talancé is tenacious and will try to pose the dispute against the flag
state before an international jurisdiction, the right one this time, the ITLOS
for example.
What will happen if the other entities do the same and succeed to slip
through the net of the French justice? The odds are that Captain Mathur, the
ship's master, will be very lonely in front of the French judge when the
Erika case will stand trial next year. Once more the focus will be entirely on
Master, diverting attention from responsibilities of classification society ,
ship owner, port authorities , charterer, etc…the ship's captain will be The
tree which hides the forest !
So, the International Maritime Organisation has a major role to play in
cleaning up the international shipping by eradicating from the surface of
the oceans the old sub-standard vessels and the easy registration flags who
are lax in the area of maritime security.
The IMO is firmly harnessed to this very difficult task to make shipping
safer as well as to improve shipping routes, all in order to preserve life at
sea to a maximum approaching the zero tolerance. "He that would sail
without danger must never come on the Main Sea" said an old adage , it
means that the zero tolerance is quite impossible but all measures that
contribute to the goal of maritime safety improvement and pollution
prevention are very welcome. To this objective the use of the International
Tribunal for the Law Of the Sea is a link, a trump that must not be
At sea there is no room for complacency and substandard
flag state, these flags without states , where you can register a ship in a few
minutes! We can no longer continue to transport no matter what,.. no matter
how. Safer Shipping, Cleaner Oceans …
Capt. M.Bougeard
Master Mariner
Member of AFCAN
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